Saturday, September 28, 2013

So what became of the fox?

Inquiring minds...

No, the handlers didn't eat the fox, and nor did they serve it to us. The point of collecting a road kill fox was to gain more experience skinning prior to the next winter's slaughtering.

Huge time sink though because Male Handler doesn't like to rush things. Given that he had a couple of cold weekends, he started on the fleshing. He kept the mask, suggesting that when it's all done and cured, Female Handler can wear it into town on her head. "This sort of head wear will become all the rage," he said.

Uh huh.

Anyway, here is a picture of what it looked like just before it was rolled up and put in the freezer for storage until April/May when he can finish it up and smoke it. There's quite a lot of interesting things in their freezer.

There is currently a white plastic bag stuck in the mask, hence...the white eyes

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